Thursday 29 March 2012

Shri Radhe Maa Leela Amrut - Gift of sight

Shri Radhe Maa – Leela Amrut - Gift of sight

Mamtamai Shri Radhe Maa’s grace restores sight lost during pregnancy  

By Sanjeev Gupta

Rajeev Gupta's story: It is a tradition in our community for a married daughter of the house to deliver in her paternal home. It was no different when my sister Monika Mour was expecting. She was entrusted to our care by her marital family in keeping with custom. All was well for the first six months. Then, in her seventh month, she vomited rather violently and discovered later that she could not see at all with her right eye. We took her to an ophthalmologist friend. The good doctor, a devotee of Devi Maa, said that if it had not been for Devi Maa’s grace, she could have lost sight in both her eyes. Her cornea was damaged due to a blood clot. An eye hemorrhage is how he described it. Because Monika was well into her pregnancy, the doctor said he could not give her any medication. He told us that he could not so post delivery either because she would be breastfeeding.   

Shri Radhe Maa

We were worried for my sister and also felt answerable to her husband and other members of her family. After all, she had been fine when she left her house. We prayed to Devi Maa who told us to stop worrying. She asked us to expect a miracle within two months of the delivery and Monika would be able to see clearly. Once those words were uttered, we had no reason to be concerned any more. It was not different with Monika. She surrendered completely to Devi Maa. She knew she would do just fine.
My sister delivered. Mother and child were both fine. Again, in keeping with tradition, she remained with us for around five weeks following the delivery. One morning, about a month-and-a-half after the delivery, my sister woke up with her eyesight completely restored.

The doctor agreed with us that it was a miracle. We know it was so, because we had been long enough in Devi Maa’s seva to know that nothing is impossible for her. Unquestioning faith and patience and a feeling of gratitude is all it takes.

As told to Satish Purohit

Rajeev Gupta is a realtor. He may be contacted on For more details on Mamtamai Shri Radhe Maa Shobha Yatra at the Devi Talab Mandir on 31 March 2012 and chowki’s in Punjab and Haryana call on 9820969020 or log on to   

 Shri Radhe Maa - Shobha Yatra
For more details on Mamtamai Shri Radhe Maa Shobha Yatra at the Devi Talab Mandir on 31 March 2012 and chowkies in Punjab and Haryana call on 9820969020 or log on    

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Please note
The views expressed in this article and others published in this space are being made public as an act of thanksgiving for the wonderful presence of Mamtamai Shri Radhe Maa’s miraculous grace in the lives of her devotees. These are personal experiences of the devotee. Devi Maa has no role as such in writing, editing or publishing these articles. We request readers who have queries, doubts or feedback to address their messages to Sevadar Sanjeev Gupta on  call him on 9820082849. He screens all letters, emails and SMS's sent to him by devotees of Mamtamai Shri Radhe Maa across the world before they are made public on various forums.

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